Zombies, Vampires, and Potties... Oh My!

7:30 p.m. - April 02, 2006
Zombies, Vampires, and Potties... Oh My!
We are feeling much better. Thank you for caring. I really don't have anything remotely interesting to say, except that I dreamed about zombies the other night. It might have had something to do with the knitted zombies I found online a while back or just that I have seen too many zombie movies. I have a definate weakness for horror. Havn't had as much of a stomach for it since I saw Saw 2 in the theater though. My true favorite is anything vampire related.
I went on e-bay to see how much baby clothes go for ( I want to make more money off of them than I have with consignment) and I ended up bidding on a potty, some packages of Little Swimmers diapers and some baby shoes. I already won the potty! I probably would have done more but I restrained myself. That could get addicting. To a bargain-aholic, e-bay is like candy. Unfortunately there seemed to be an overflow of clothes so I don't know if that will be very profitable. Anyway, I said I didn't have anything to say and then I go and write a whole 2 paragraphs! Gotta go. 0 comments so far

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