
9:04 p.m. - June 05, 2006
Wow...there are some pretty interesting people out there in blogland. I don't think I ever imagined such usage of the English language as I have seen displayed by just a few very imaginative people. I feel almost boring in comparison. This one person who refers to their blog as "Not a Finger"(diary wallpaper is lined with the shapely leg lamp from my all time fave xmas flick, "The Christmas Story. Speaking of...has anyone else out there seen "Ollie Hopnoodle's Haven of Bliss"? {spelling questionable} It's the same family years later on a summer vacation trip. Very funny! ANYWAYS...)uses language as Picasso used paint. The word pictures that unfold are wild and creative to say the least. I also read a lengthy but entertaining telling of a "traffic and weather" reporter's week. It was very informative (he admitted to doing none of the necessary research and work involved in digging up the news and forcast, while spending too much time checking out porn and wanking)but very engaging and funny. Seems to me he should have been a writer instead of sitting around reporting other people's news. I did find one promising offering from a fluttrbykiss. She seems fun and humerous but down to earth and friendly. I found many things in common between us (same ecclectic tastes in entertainment, same faith, same hobbies)even though she's a little older. Oh and I found an interesting character by the name of Poolagirl . She seems to have lived a very fascinating life. Would be fun to read her autobiography if she ever wrote one.
Well, I am ever so slowly exploring this cyber universe. I don't like everything I see, but how boring would life be without some diversity?