EWWW! Sex...Gross!!!

9:51 a.m. - July 01, 2006
EWWW! Sex...Gross!!!
I know there are a million things I could talk about if I had any inspiration whatsoever... but I don't.
My adorable husband wants me to talk about sex. My sex drive, or lack thereof, to be precise. To hear him whine, you would think men survived on sex instead of food. If that were the case, how in the world did he survive before me? To be clear, my libido hasn't been the same since having my son. I attributed it to breastfeeding, since I read many articles about lack of SD(sex drive)being caused by the hormone fluctuations during breastfeeding. But since I finished BF about 1 & 1/2 months ago, It hasn't changed. He started researching herbal supplements before my son was even done with the breast, and had one ordered before his first birthday. I have been taking them, but other than one good week (that may have been caused by my natural hormone changes during the month) I havn't felt any different. I am curious to know if anyone else can simpethise with me or has any suggestions. The funny thing is I feel like I'm back in grade school, when boys had cooties and the very thought of anything sexual had us gagging with spoons. 0 comments so far

10:11 a.m. - June 27, 2006
I need a break!
Been SuperDuper busy lately. I went out with the hubby All day Sunday, but we weren't relaxing. We cleaned pools from about 9am to 6pm. Then we went to see "The Break Up"(stupid movie) for some air-conditioned R&R. As soon as it was over, we had to go clean a laundromat for a friend. Then we drove several miles up the hill to retrieve our son from his Grandparents, drove all the way back home, arriving around 11pm. We watched an episode of Smallville (on DVD) and crashed on the couches(bed was too hot). It was a very long day. Yesterday, I spent the entire day cleaning for a party I was having in the evening. It was one of those tupperware-like parties, but with Luxury Bedding and Bath stuff. Very nice stuff. Anyhoo, cleaned all day with two toddlers running around screaming. Prepared hors devoures (however that's spelled) and sat down with my mother and the sales lady to wait...and wait...and wait. Nobody showed. Out of about 14 ladies I sent invites to, only my Mother-in-law came. Luckily, she bought stuff so it wasn't a TOTAL waste. The same thing happened with my son's b-day, and my second baby shower(totally different set of people invited). Also happened to my mom when she tried to have the same party. I believe some witch, with a grudge against my family, may have cursed us with some party flop curse. At least my house is now spotless. As it will stay for about 24 hrs. 0 comments so far

10:02 a.m. - June 27, 2006
Playing Around



Playing around this morning. 0 comments so far

4:58 p.m. - June 18, 2006
I just wanted to post some pics from the last couple weeks.