The Entertaining Antics of Nat

10:50 p.m. - August 11, 2006
The Entertaining Antics of Nat
It has been such a freakin LONG time!! I don't even know what to talk about; I just wanted to update this dang thing. I know! Pictures!!

Splish Splash! Fun in the pool!

Pool Play 3

Oh I absolutely ADORE his cute little NEKID butt!! But if anyone manages to use this for child porn I swear I'll hunt you down and make you cry for your Mommy!!!


He looks to be contemplating the universe...while eating PB&J.

PB&J Face 3

This pic cracks me up!

PB&J Face

Family Pool Cleaning service! Nobody worry, we had our eyes on him the whole time and were no more than a couple feet away from him at all times.

Family Pool Cleaning 1

Such a good helper!


Caught! Red Handed!!

Sneaky Nat 4

He thought he was being sneaky. I chose to forego discipline for the sake of great pictures!

Sneaky Nat 3

He makes me laugh so much, sometimes I don't know how I managed to live without him in our lives. 0 comments so far

3:30 p.m. - July 17, 2006
Another Dream
He was everything I ever wanted in a guy. Funny, considerate, cute... but I was married. We were just getting to know each other as friends. He took me to his apartment. Showed me his art collection...I love art. I discovered oils and seasonings on top of his microwave. He liked to cook. I felt like I was meeting my soul mate...only a few years too late. We were just a little too close while looking at an art book. I couldn't stop myself from kissing him. It was a good kiss. But it wasn't right. I stopped...told him I couldn't do this and had to go. I took one last heartbroken, lingering look. Then I woke up...with what felt like a hole in my heart. The emotion had been so real. It sure didn't start my day on a happy note. 0 comments so far

4:25 p.m. - July 07, 2006
Fuglycat Dolls
This made me laugh. Not just smirk or smile or giggle, but really laugh. I usually like to read "Undressed" on MSN. It's in the Celeb section and they trash on Celebrity's fashion foibles. It is usually very humerous. But THIS is fantastic. And they seem to be reliably great. I found my new fave site! Yesterday I also found a funny list of pics of Britney Spears latest screw-ups. It's enough to make you cry for her; she is so pitiful. You can find those HERE Ok I am back to see more Celeb bashing! 0 comments so far

11:57 a.m. - July 02, 2006
4th of July Fun!
Yesterday we went to the 4th of July Celebration at Ironstone Vineyards. It was pretty fun. At least more fun than sitting around here watching TV. OK so we had a lot of fun! First we tried to get Nat to go in a bouncy house but he was scared. He just sat in the corner and screamed if any kid came near him. Then we decided to get face painting. We ate snow cones while waiting in the slow line.

We turned out really cute!

swirly heart

Then we went and listened to the band and danced.

I took a zillion pics of Nat looking adorable. Several other people did the same thing! This is one of my faves!

sunlight in his hair

flirting 2
Nat was a hit with the girls! He went right up to these girls and made himself right at home!


Ironstone Vineyards
Then we had fireworks. By the time the hourlong fireworks show was over, we were quite ready to go home and crash!

fireworks 3

And on Tuesday we just might do it all over again! 0 comments so far

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