beginnings and urine samples 2

11:20 p.m. - September 25, 2006
beginnings and urine samples 2
I was looking at my first entry and realized there was a big mistake. It was a funny entry but I had misheard that breastmilk sold for $300 per ounce. Recently I was told it's actually $3 an ounce. Significant difference, but some people may still be shocked that breast milk can be bought! Well, it's mainly sold thru one agency who does a background health check and makes sure the women are eating right and whatnot. The type of people who buy it are usually mothers who can't breastfeed for whatever reason and don't get enough thru pumping. Also, I'm sure there are at least a few who know the immense benefits of breastfeeding, but are simply too lazy or uninterested in doing it themselves, who have money to burn.
I also mentioned a site I found that had urine for sale for urine tests. And for an extra cost, you can buy your very own false penis for those times when you may need to do this testing while being watched or for the particularly twisted jokester. Youu can get your very own
. Very funny site anyway. I felt it needed to be resurrected from my entry archive. :) 0 comments so far

10:15 p.m. - September 25, 2006
Random Pics of Cuteness
This is me wearing Dan's Gi top, trying to look scary like a sumo wrestler. While I may look like a sumo, I'm not very scary! LOL
Jujutsu Girl 2

Look at that cheeser face!

Nat likes to look out the window and watch anyone leave or he just watches cars go by. It's the cutest and most pitiful thing at the same time!

Plum tuckered out! He never goes to sleep anywhere but his carseat or crib unless he is just exhausted! Here he crawled up on the couch next to Dan and just laid down. Don't know why he was so tired except for the usual running around, screaming like a banshee, and climbing on anything and everything. Not a clue! :D

It amazes me how kids can entertain themselves when they want to. Nat found a jar of money in Grandma's closet and thought it was sheer fun to dump it out and then put the money back in, then start all over!

Eatin some crackers at a family picnic. Doesn't he look so grown up?! I hate it!

He had a grand old time diggin in the sand. He didn't even want to stop to eat!

Sittin at Mama's desk like a big boy! I didn't even have to help him climb up there! He likes to sit here while I'm on the computer at the other desk. Also sneaks my pens away to go draw on random objects!

Being goofy!

I'm so proud!
DSCF1045 (2)

Next time I promise to show pics of us at the gun range! If you knew me well you would be shocked that I held a gun, let alone shot it! LOL 0 comments so far

8:46 p.m. - September 17, 2006
Pucker Face
I got some long overdue scarpbooking done today. I am actually on February 2005. I finished with a snow page. Kinda crazy to be thinking about snow right now, but it's coming around the corner pretty soon I guess. I am glad I am not that far behind with this form of photo-logging. I wonder how many other people have to show off their pictures in so many formats. I am sure I am not alone. No where near it from the looks of things. I have some pics here from last month. I actually didn't realize I had so many pics on my camera going that far back, so I'm gonna do this in a few parts. These first pics are of me giving my son his first taste of grapefruit. It was HILARIOUS! It was so funny, we tried to do a video, but he wouldn't cooporate anymore. So here's the pics.
grapefruit 1
grapefruit 2
grapefruit 3

Surprisingly he still wanted more, it just didn't work out for the video.

Aren't those over-alls just to die for?! He is so stinkin cute!
Anyways, that will be all for this installment. I have many more cuties where these came from. And when I get caught up, I have some pics from yesterday to show everyone. We went shooting. It was my very first time! It was pretty fun, but that's a story for another entry kiddies! 0 comments so far

10:56 p.m. - September 15, 2006
I want to be six again
I am borrowing this from a Mikey's Funnies email. It touched so perfectly on how I feel lately, I had to share it.

To Whom It May Concern:

I am hereby officially tendering my resignation as an adult, in order to accept
the responsibilities of a 6-year-old. The tax base is lower.

I want to be six again.

I want to go to McDonald's and think it's the best place in the world to eat.

I want to sail sticks across a fresh mud puddle and make waves with rocks.

I want to think M&Ms are better than money, because you can eat them.

I want to play kickball during recess and stay up on Christmas Eve waiting to
hear Santa and Rudolph on the roof.

I long for the days when life was simple. When all you knew were your colors,
the addition tables, and simple nursery rhymes, but it didn't bother you,
because you didn't know what you didn't know, and you didn't care.

I want to go to school and have snack time, recess, gym and field trips.

I want to be happy, because I don't know what should make me upset.

I want to think the world is fair and everyone in it is honest and good.

I want to believe that anything is possible.

Sometime, while I was maturing, I learned too much. I learned of nuclear
weapons, prejudice, starving and abused kids, lies, unhappy marriages, illness,
pain, and mortality.

I want to be six again.

I want to think that everyone, including myself, will live forever, because I
don't know the concept of death.

I want to be oblivious to the complexity of life and be overly excited by the
little things again.

I want television to be something I watch for fun, not something used for escape
from the things I should be doing.

I want to live knowing the little things that I find exciting will always make
me as happy as when I first learned them.

I want to be six again.

I remember not seeing the world as a whole, but rather being aware of only the
things that directly concerned me.

I want to be naive enough to think that if I'm happy, so is everyone else.

I want to walk down the beach and think only of the sand beneath my feet and the
possibility of finding that blue piece of sea glass I'm looking for.

I want to spend my afternoons climbing trees and riding my bike, letting the
grownups worry about time, the dentist, and how to find the money to fix the

I want to wonder what I'll do when I grow up and what I'll be, who I'll be and
not worry about what I'll do if this doesn't work out. I want that time back.

I want to use it now as an escape, so that when my computer crashes, or I have a
mountain of paperwork, or two depressed friends, or a fight with my spouse, or
bittersweet memories of times gone by, or second thoughts about so many things,
I can travel back and build a snowman, without thinking about anything except
whether the snow sticks together and what I can possibly use for the snowman's

I want to be six again.

"Jesus said, 'I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have
hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little
children.'" (Matt. 11:25)


Middle age is when you choose cereal for the fiber, not the toy.


Yeah, you can send this Funny to anybody you want. And, if you're REAL nice,
you'll tell them where you got it!


MIKEY'S FUNNIES is brought to you by...
Mike Atkinson @ ... helping organizations succeed on the
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