So I married a tech-geek hermit

3:33 p.m. - September 08, 2006
So I married a tech-geek hermit
For someone who grew up without a computer and didn't really have much to do with the things until I met my Hubby, I have been spending an unbelieveable amount of time in cyber-space lately. I feel like the internet and this chair are becoming my new home. It scares me. I want a real life. One where I go places and talk to people in person, but alas I married a tech-geek hermit and am becoming a hermit myself. In fact I am starting to look for ways to make money at home using the internet. I wanted to be a stay-at-home mom, but for some reason didn't seem to think of it meaning I'd be at home so much! Oh silly me. What in the world was I thinking?! O_o It actually took more than a year to start getting to me though. Almost 2 years actually. So I really am a homebody, I just need a break from my home I guess. I will have to figure out how I want to go about having one. Hmmm.... 0 comments so far

12:32 a.m. - September 03, 2006
giggle fits
I totally forgot what I was going to say! Oh well, I can just babble a little in my hazy sleepiness. My son makes me so happy sometimes, I don't know what to do with myself. We had a giggle fit together today. I looked at him and started coming towards him all "I'm gonna get you!" like all strange parents do, and he just started cracking up. I loved it so I kept going. I tickled him and gave him Zerberts and razberries just so I could hear more of his infectious giggles. I also spun him around in my office chair numerous times cuz the kid is addicted to dizzyness. He absolutely loves it! He's so funny, or "punny"... as my 2yr old nephew says.
So in light of the crazy cuteness of babies...we are discussing trying for a second. Now I have a hard time thinking of myself with more than one child. Before having Nat, I wanted 2 of my own and 2 adopted a little later. I still want to adopt, but I feel strangely about having another of my own. I am so crazy-in-love with my babykins, that I don't know if I have enough love for another. I can't accurately describe this feeling because it is rather abstract. I guess I just don't know if I "need" another baby. As much as I have been feeling nostalgic about pregnancy lately, I just can't quite imagine our family expanded. It really is the strangest thing. Of course we will try for another, and God willing we will have 2 kids as planned. I will just have to let things be as they will be and not over-analize as I have an evil tendancy to do. 0 comments so far

8:13 p.m. - August 28, 2006
New Template and Pics!!!
Just wanted to show off the new template and some recent pics. I spent all day today looking for a new template and then customizing this one. I still have a couple things to work on but it's functional. Next thing I need to do is create a new banner. I havn't done one in ages. Only did one period.
These are some cute pics of Nat being pulled around in his Daddy's old wagon. My Hubby's Grandfather made this for him when he was little as well as a dresser which I am in the process of repainting. I will be posting pics of that when it's finished. We are also going to paint Nat's name on the side of the wagon. Consequently, his Granfather never made anything else for his grandchildren after this. Not even for my Hubby's brother and sister.




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