October Pics 2

11:37 p.m. - December 02, 2006
October Pics 2
Busy Busy Bumblebee! I am having fun getting ready for the Christmas season this year. We got our tree Nov 29th even though the place wasn't supposed to open til Dec 1st. They just started selling em early so we decided to get ours then instead of waiting. I love having the house all decorated. I just wish we could have it like this for longer than just a month without looking like Freaks! Anyway, I wanted to share some more pics from our Oregon Trip, so here they are. We went to this great little drive-in Diner called Johnny's for lunch.
The food was fantastic!
We also had fun mugging for the camera.
It was raining pretty hard, but Nat had a great time splashing in the puddles!
He got so wet, we had to change his entire outfit before we put him back in the car.

On our second day there, my Dad took us to about four different beaches and a garden. The area he lives in near Coos Bay is amazing with so many beautiful places to see!
DSCF1467 This was a japanese Tea Garden style pond in this huge garden we saw. DSCF1470 I better stop here so I don't overload this page. I'll continue later. 1 comments so far

9:35 p.m. - November 19, 2006
October Pictures Part 1
I have to share some of the fantastic pics I've gotten in the last couple months. October, especially, was a goldmine for beautiful pictures!! Here are some of my faves. I will try to pic only the best ones, but it's hard cuz there are so many great ones!
I can't even remember how I captured this expression but it is truly priceless!
What October picture spread would be complete without the pumpkin patch pic?!
Mommy and Son
Okay now, these next pics are from our trip up to Oregon to visit my Dad and Dan's Grandparents. We live in Central Cali and we drove the 13hrs up. (Not including time to stop and eat or stay the night, or stop just to let Nat run around a bit) When we came home, we drove it straight through at night and it not only took hours less time, I never had to hear my son scream! On the way through Oregon we found an African Safari! It was so cool! You drove thru and looked at animals you usually only see in cages at the zoo, and sometimes even had them looking right in your window!
What a nice Giraffe Butt, huh? HaHa!
This giraffe started out blocking the road and moved just enough to let this truck very slowly inch by. I'm sure he thought they were very rude.
The side mirror gives some perspective on how close this camel is to us. He was a little camera shy though.
They had these Cheetahs caged due to something about mating season. Some of these pics don't have the clarity they should because we actually weren't allowed to roll down our windows and it was raining. We cheated a few times(many times!), since it was the only way to get a decent pic. We saw other people with their windows down too, so we didn't feel too bad!
Afterwards, we took a walk-through to let Nat have a better look and stretch our very tired-of-sitting legs.
This was an adorable little animal I fell in love with.
And this was it's name!!
Nat with a pony just his size!!
He also got to pet this goat, which he LOVED!
Okay I am ending this edition of the October Picture News. This will have to be done in several parts to make it easier on everyone!
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6:37 p.m. - November 18, 2006
Kelly Shoots a GUN??!!
Egads!!!! I wrote a bunch of stuff already and lost it due to technical difficulties! I hate rewriting stuff and don't remember what I wrote anyway. *sobs* Well basically I berated myself for not updating for silly reasons. Reasons like not having the pics of us at the shooting range, and dumb stuff like that there. So, anyhoo, I'm back and I finally got the pics so I will show them to you but try not to be horribly, vastly, immensly dissatisfied because of the long wait and anticipation. They truly suck. :/
shooting 3
This was my first time shooting a gun and I was a little nervous at first. I just did what I was told and I actually did pretty well.
shooting 2
I was chatting with the people next to us (pretty cute guy with his parents) and they apparently have been going shooting for several years. I actually did better than them! I am so not kidding! My bro-in-law said it's because they were holding the gun wrong (bending one elbow instead of keeping both locked) so all their shots were going to the side of the bent elbow.
shooting 1
I asked Dan to take a pic of me with my best targets but he meanly refused. So I had to improvise and just take a pic of them myself.
And just because he's so cute!
My baby is getting so BIG! Sometimes I just can't get my brain around it!
Who couldn't love a smile like that? Nat loves to go outside so much!! He brings me his shoes at all hours of the day and runs to the door pointing. He gets VERY upset if I say no or I don't put the shoes on. I feel so bad that we don't have a real yard that I can just let him run around in all day. Someday we will and then I am sure I will have a hard time getting him to come inside!
This one just says it all for a boy. Mud, bikes, outside! 0 comments so far

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